1. General Administration Department


Responsible for the coordination of daily office work and external communication; performing the day-to-day work of the Board of Directors Office, the Board of Supervisors Office, the General Manager Office, the CPC SHCH Committee Office, the SHCH Youth League Committee Office, and the SHCH Labor Union Office; executing the office work of the Business Management Committee; providing logistics and administrative services for the company; providing support for SHCH business in Beijing.


2. Internal Auditing Department


Responsible for the day-to-day work of internal auditing, formulating and implementing internal audit plan; review the rectification work based on the result of auditing; conducting business-related legal research and daily legal affairs.


3. Risk Management Department


Responsible for studying, designing and implementing SHCH risk management strategy; studying and formulating comprehensive business risk management system; organizing the implementation of daily risk management; performing risk management of clearing members; monitoring and managing the abnormal situations of clearing and settlement; fulfilling the office work of Risk Management Committee.


4. Product Development Department


Responsible for studying, designing and developing clearing services of interest rate derivatives, exchange rate derivatives, credit derivatives and etc.; drafting product development management system; conducting market research and policy study.


5. Issuance & Custody Department


Responsible for studying, designing and developing services of bonds and relevant fixed income products; promoting the bidding, issuance and custody services of bonds; boosting CCP clearing services of bond and collateral management; advancing the research and development of cross-border cooperation with regard to the above-mentioned services, follow-up market promotion activities and optimizing existing services.


6. Commodity Clearing Department


Responsible for studying, designing and developing the CCP clearing services of commodity derivatives including freight, commodities, and carbon emission; studying, designing and developing clearing services of spot commodities; organizing market promotion activities and involved in business trainings; exploration and maintenance of the market; existing services follow-up and optimization.


7. Clearing & Settlement Department


Responsible for handling the registration, depository and settlement services for bonds and relevant fixed income products, making relevant assessment and providing consultation services; responsible for payment settlement and accounting management for existing business; day-to-day operation of existing business and management of business files and documents; establishing and optimizing the internal control and safety management system; ensuring business compliance and safe operation.


8. Member Services Department


Responsible for designing and formulating clearing members development plan and management system; responsible for clearing membership qualification assessment, evaluation and examination, providing services for clearing members; organizing conferences and trainings for clearing members; conducting market research and promotion activities; clearing member relation maintenance; providing business consulting service; responsible for communication and exchanges with clearing members.


9. Research & Statistics Department


Responsible for the research on financial policies and financial market related to SHCH business and relevant areas; jointly conducting special research projects with domestic and foreign institutions; collecting and analyzing business data; planning and implementing relevant services; editing and publishing financial journals.


10. Business Development Department


Responsible for drafting business requirement specification, assisting requirements analysis, system development and data migration; organizing business tests, joint testing on the system; training the market participants; assisting the launching of business system and providing relevant operational guidance.


11. Technology Administration Department


Responsible for planning and designing of technical architecture; formulating the technology management system; business procurement; technical testing; fulfilling the office work of Technology Management Committee.


12. Financing & Accounting Department


Organizing financial accounting, financial management, management of budget, cost, asset and tax; centralized procurement management; fulfilling the office work of Central Procurement Management Committee.


13. Human Resource Department


Responsible for the development of organization structure and internal departments; planning and allocating company human resources; interview and recruitment; training and incentive programs; developing and promoting company culture; fulfilling the office work of Remuneration Committee.


14. The Representative Office of Shanghai Clearing House in London


Responsible for liaison, communication and coordination with relevant financial institutions in the UK and the European Union; cooperating with CCP12 on relevant activities; acquiring information on the regulatory rules and features of the financial markets in the UK and the European Union, conducting relevant work based on SHCH internationalization strategy.


15. Beijing Representative Office


Responsible for providing supporting service for corporate business in Northern China also liaison, communication with PBC and relevant institution; providing tender issue supporting service for issuer, providing logistic support service.